Company Consulatation 廠商諮詢服務網頁

How and why to ask for help to reach an available consultant?

a. You may need medical consultants for your company.

b. The reports of consultants need to file reports or questionnairs regularly.
c. You need to trace these reports and summarize to commensurate.

How to to reach the destinated consultants?

a. Give us his/her reachable MSG or SMS cellphone, or email after his/her consent.
b. A link in SMS or email will guide he/she to register to be a qualified medical IP consultant.

What to cooperated with the consultants?

a. On your schedule in your plan, you send the tracing list to us.

b. We send the file or questionnaire in your asked schedules to your company and consultant in the same time.

c. We received the reports or questionnaire and legally documented.

d. According the agreement of consultation, we finalize the plan.

4. How to register as a company asking consultants ?
a. Register as consultant on the web or email or telephone to us.

 b. Make an agreement and consultation plan.

 c. Link the email of your correspondent.

 d. Choose your correspondent or consultant as a file reporter.
e. Choose your referred accounts USD$ or TW$.
5. E-mail to understand the cooperation plan and charging standard.

Company asking for consultation plan: Please email:


1. 如何以及為什麼要尋求幫助以聯繫可用的顧問?

 a. 貴公司可能需要醫療顧問。

 b. 顧問的需要定期提交報告或調查問卷。
c. 您需要跟踪這些報告並進行相應的酬勞。
2. 如何接洽指定的顧問?

 a. 在他/她同意後, 給我們他/她的有MSG或簡訊功能的手機,或電子郵件。
b. 簡訊或電子郵件中的鏈接將指導他/她註冊成為合格的醫療知識顧問。
3. 如何與顧問合作?

 a. 依照你們的時程,您將追踪清單發送給我們。

 b. 我們會依照 計劃時程, 同時將您要求的文件或調查問卷以電子郵件傳送給您的公司和顧問。

 c. 我們收到報告或調查問卷, 並完成法律記錄。

 d. 根據諮詢協議, 我們完成計劃。
4. 公司如何註冊以及要求協助諮詢?
a. 通過網絡或電子郵件或電話向我們註冊成為顧問。

 b. 制定協議和諮詢計劃。

 c. 鏈接您的通訊員的電子郵件。

 d. 選擇您的公司方通訊員代理或顧問方作為諮詢報告檔案發稿人。
e. 選擇您偏好的的賬戶幣別 USD$ 或 TW$。
5. 合作方案和收費標準請來信諮訊.

公司諮詢申請: 請來信 email: